Thursday, February 09, 2006


Well, I'm just testing out this new dashboard functionality in OSX 10.4. It's pretty cool, actually, giving you easy access to some of those sort of lightweight things you need sometimes - clock, date, weather, news headlines, system use information, and yes, blogger. Cool. Worth upgrading for? Less clear cut. Probably not on its own.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Here's another test

Here's another test
Here's another test,
originally uploaded by lukewarm_pepper.
I thought I ought to see if I can post a photo attachment through Flickr's mail to blog facility, but I didn't have a good photo on my work PC, so this one's courtesy of Simon Campbell, from his Mexico trip.

Thanks, Simon. Cool.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

London Eye by Max

London Eye by Max
London Eye by Max,
originally uploaded by lukewarm_pepper.
I really like this photo. Perhaps because of a father's blinkered view of what his children do, perhaps because it's actually an interesting result, I dunno. Thoughts, anyone?


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Here goes...

Ahem, OK, well, what now? Just thought I ought to write something. Not that anyone's going to read it, of course. Well, that's what everyone says, I guess. Anyway...